Thursday, 21 April 2016

Palladium Fresh

Everyone loves the classic white shoe come Spring and Summer. It's fresh, looks great with anything and most importantly, it's super comfy! So I'm bringing you a new option to the fresh white table. Introducing Palladium Boots, which are now available in Topshop...making this super easy for you guys to get your hands on these hot booties. 

I love the fresh white kicks look, it makes you feel a bit more secure that the weather is more on your side so you know they aren't going to get caked in mud. But they also look chic with basically anything. Dresses, skirts, jeans, whatever. So I opted to style my Palladium Boots with my ripped knee jeans from River Island and a off the should sweater from Topshop which I bought a few sizes too big for that extra comfiness. Topping my look with my cat-eye sunnies also from River Island.

It feels pretty incredible walking around without a massive coat and knee high boots to keep warm and this is fast becoming a favourite S/S'16 outfit for me. 

I chose the low cut white boots, but they do high tops in white and black in Topshop but a whole loads of other designs on their website. The grip is a super big part of why I love these boots because my vans were useless. They would get really slippery on wet floors and their lack of grip wasn't ideal for the amount I walk and spend time exploring. 

So this summer must have from me - Palladium them at Topshop online

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Crochet Crushes

Rat and Boa  - £45
Missguided - £30

Missguided - £35

New look £24.99

H&M £9.99

I can't be the only one channeling my Coachella obsession right now? One day I will make it my mission to go and have the best time ever and if i died there...I honestly wouldn't mind too much. But right now all I can do is obsess over stuff I would wear there! One of the main things I keep finding myself staring at is crochet pieces and as half of them are sold out I thought I'd just blog the pieces instead in hope some of you are sharing this crochet crush too! There are SO many crochet garments I have my eyeballs on at the moment but I just thought I'd share my top few...

So Rat and Boa are seriously hot and I want so many of their items but this amazing crochet dress is something I'm keeping my eyes open for when it comes back in stock. How can you not want that?!

Missguided are pretty hot on the trend of crochet at the moment too providing our shopping habit a lovely outlet that isn't going to set us back by thousands. The crochet jumpers are a total must and I will be getting one asap for my holiday in June...perfect over bikinis to stop my pale fragile skin getting crisped up! But also the beautiful crochet dress in white. Perfect for channeling you inner gypsy soul. I would much prefer to wear this stuff on beaches everyday than face reality...maybe one day.

Crochet waistcoats are pretty awesome too and this tasselly number form New Look is the ideal piece at a festival with a crop top, shorts and maybe some gladiator sandals...

Finally this most perfect crochet dress that I'm dying to purchase but can't as H&M is totally sold out...all the time!!! It's not even a case of I want this...I need it! 

Anyway summer is coming and you can expect to see some hippie style outfits coming in soon as I totally love that style! Enjoy.


Thursday, 7 April 2016

A Bit Of Advice

I've been reflecting a lot lately and I decided to write something a bit different today. When I wrote my post on anxiety a lot of you wrote to me saying how much it helped and I'm hoping this one can help some of you again.

It is so important to remember who you are. To take a look at yourself often and remind yourself how well you're doing. No you might not be exactly where you want to be. No you might not be earning as much as you'd like and you might still struggle with yourself every now and then. But look at how far you've come. In school I always put on a front of how I thought people wanted me to be and along the way I lost who I was. I was always scared of who would insult me today, what would this girl do to me today, how many times do I have to say I'm ok when I'm not. But as you grow up you lear to let these things go and move on. Those girls were nothing. Do I see them anymore? No. Do I need to? No. Do they influence me at all anymore? No. Yeah anxiety still says hello when it's not wanted and a big group of people tend to scare me and make me pretty shy but sometimes it doesn't. And that is a big thing for me to overcome.

You have to pat yourself on the back sometimes at just how well you're doing. Yeah people around me are doing great, but from that girl in school, scared of walking through the gates in the morning, I am now confident in myself. I'm proud of my achievements and what I've overcome. I can more times than not, say hi to someone I don't know and not have to worry that much about how they're judging me. I have people from my past saying how well they see me doing and wish they'd taken a similar route. People who I used to envy now look at me that way. That in itself is super weird but you have to remember everyone has a different road in life. Different bumps, different minds, different goals. 

You just have to hang in there, focus on your dreams and really aim for them. 
Don't put so much pressure on yourself to be the best when all you can be is yourself and that is all you need to be. Don't wish yourself away by looking at others wishing you were them because there will be someone somewhere wishing they were you. You are unique, one of a kind, be you and be the best you that you can be. Everything else will follow and work out how it should.

But just remember to pat yourself on the back and look at the road you've taken and you might surprise yourself with just how steep that road was and how high you are now. 


Saturday, 2 April 2016

Golden Shave

Winter is over which means one thing...time to shave off that winter coat on your legs ;) 

Introducing my new BFF of the shaving world. Personally I'm not really into waxing (basically i'm a wimp but it hurts too much) so razors are what keeps me smooth and silky. But it's pretty annoying when you have to keep buying new ones and try to find one that really keeps your legs smooth for more than a few days.

This is where Friction Free Shaving has filled that void. Not only are the heads much better quality than standard ones I use but it has way more blades to keep the shave super close. Obviously it's also super pretty in gold but comes in loads of other colours, they will also deliver new heads for your razor each month! No more awkward razor shopping in front of your boyfriend!

It is super important not to over use your razor heads as you damaging your skin and the heads build up bacteria. No one likesGetting your heads delivered every month helps you remember to change your heads and also saves you money. Instead of buying new razors you can just change the top and keep the pretty razor on the side in your bathroom. 

TIP: Use coconut oil on your legs for super smooth shaving and great to keep your legs hydrated without irritation! 

I'm using Samantha, a 5 blade head razor which you can shop here!

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