Thursday 15 December 2016

Comfy in Strips with Dorothy Perkins

The second instalment of my maternity series with Dorothy Perkins* is here and it's all about that stripy dress that is oh so comfortable to wear. 

I've seen stripy maternity dresses everywhere, not sure if this is a fashion thing or someone presuming all pregnant women really liked striped dresses but this one is actually one I wear. A little easier on the eye with grey and navy strips and its insanely comfortable. Since getting diagnosed with SPD in this pregnancy I literally just want to wear comfy clothes all the time so this dress is great for lounging around in, seeing friends in or even going out for's all about how you accessorise. This is my daytime look for this dress, paired with ankle boots, a long necklace and my black coat it's great for getting your last minute christmas shopping done but waddling in comfort. 

I'm usually pretty warm thanks to the hot water bottle growing in my belly but if you're more of a chilly person just slip on the Dorothy Perkins over the bump leggings underneath and you'll be snug all day long.

This dress is also great for post pregnancy as it's also a nursing dress. The top part lifts up and the grey slip underneath folds down for those who will be breast feeding their little ones. Saves you having to shove your poor little one all the way up your clothing which, lets face it, would be pretty ridiculous. 

Shop Dorothy Perkins Maternity wear now and start hinting at your last minute christmas pieces for your stocking. 


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