Sunday 14 January 2018

Kovah's Wildflower 1st Birthday

My darling girl has reached 1 happy, healthy and content and I couldn't throw her a Wildflower themed party and not share it with you all...

As Kovah is a winter babe but she blossomed like the most beautiful wildflower I thought I'd bring some summer to her party with the Wildflower theme. I can't tell you enough how much fun I had creating this party, I made most of the decorations, the cake and styled it all, which I'll talk about in this post. It's the most fun I've had in ages, throwing my creative brain into something at rapid speed as soon as Christmas was over. And to be honest it was so lovely to have a wintery christmas one week and jump into summer the next. 

It was bittersweet taking her 12 month photo but when I finished her frame to hold them all it felt SO satisfying to see them all together after a years work, and seeing how much she's changed and grown from that tiny little 4 pounder. That was just a wooden photo frame I picked up in a charity shop, popped the glass out of, covered in lace and then threaded brown garden string through to hang the photos on. I found white winter roses with snow on them and purple peonies in the NEXT sale which I took apart and attached to the frame in the top left corner. Something we will keep forever!

The felt flower hanging on cut wood was just something I wanted to make and use at her party which I can then hang up in her room and she can keep that up as long as she loves it. I love making felt flowers so this was just a bit of fun for me, which we hung at her party from the window.

Kovah's high chair garland was also loads of fun to make, with the hanging pom pom wool I bought months ago turned out perfect to hang from her ONE bunting I made from cut up hessian, and I cut out letters from an off cut of floral paper I picked up at HobbyCraft. I added in some lace between the pom pom wool because there is never enough lace! I'm pretty sad I won't get to use this again but it is tempting to peel off the letters and keep it for her second birthday. 

The personalised Chalkboard was something I loved the idea of but didn't have to time to do myself to the standard I'd want and came across the lovely Pretty Little Maison who makes these boards totally bespoke for you. I gave her the words, theme, colours and basic layout I wanted and she blew me away with the final product. She added glitter to make it sparkle and this will also be up in Kovahs room forever because it's so beautiful. I love how it's got all of her little personality on it from what she loves to eat to how many teeth she has so we can look back and remember these little things in years to come. 

And of course the cake. We did a cake smash which went surprisingly well, we all thought she'd just shove it off the table and that'd be that; but she was so delicate with it and ate like a true little lady. I made the cake and used vegen buttercream so it wasn't as bad for her as this was the first time she'd had any type of cake or artificial colours etc. This was just gluten and dairy free margarine, organic icing sugar and organic vanilla essence and it was delicious (thanks to Kovah for putting a handful into my mouth). Decorated with roses, rose leaves and snapdragons along with her name cake topper which we'll try to use every year now. She loved it and it made for pretty good entertainment as the room fell completely silent as she was given her cake to demolish. 

I'm so thankful I got to sling Kovah on her birthday, our slinging days are becoming more drawn apart and it does pull at my mama heart so badly. But slinging Kovah in WildBird's Snow Owl sling meant so much it moved me to tears. This sling holds so much value to me. It was a winter collection sling, like when Kovah was born and the day we bought her home from NICU it was snowing, on Friday 13th no less. So holding her close and feeling her sleep peacefully against me on this day that last year was so painful helped heal those wounds this year.

I am so grateful that so many people turned up to her special day to celebrate her first year earth side, it honestly meant the world to see how many people are loving on her and how many lives she's touched already. Thank you to everyone that gave gifts, sent messages, comments, cards and anything else for my gorgeous Kovah Willow. It's a day we'll never forget and always hold so close in our hearts.


P.s I've linked my dress, the high chair mat, chalkboard and sling under the last photo just click for the link!


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