Monday, 23 October 2017

Pumpkin Patchin'

I started this blog as an outlet for myself and just wrote about life and things but yes, now it has been taken over by this little bird who appears on my instagram basically everyday. But these moments are precious and one day I hope she reads these posts and knows how loved she is. As a first time mother I'm experiencing firsts everyday thanks to her, and visiting a pumpkin patch is something I've always wanted to do but never have until now...

Who knows why visiting a pumpkin patch has been on my bucket list forever but it has and I like to think maybe now this is a new tradition we do every year to welcome in Autumn with our little family. 

It was such a gorgeous day out, warm sunshine with a cool breeze, a perfect autumn day and great for pumpkin picking. The mission was to find a pumpkin that would fit this growing babe inside it (post on that coming soon, it's too much cute)...would have been easier a few months ago that's for sure. Kovah is learning to stand and is now only happy when she's stood up, meaning I have to hold her up ALL the time, but she stood on her own holding onto a pumpkin and it was the sweetest thing. (until she tried to lick the mud covered vegetable) 

I think it must have been a stimulation over-load with all the people, the new smells, things to grab and a little bit of walking, so we weren't surprised she was a bit of a grump towards the end. After a walk around the field we found the perfect pumpkin and sat Kovah next to it so we could pick it. We turned to find she'd picked her own mini white pumpkin and was sat happily playing with it, she got the right idea so of course we brought hers home too, it costs up a pound haha. I'm just struggling to come to terms with how fast she's growing up, she's nearly 10 MONTHS OLD!?!? HOW GUYS?!

There is nothing I love more than seeing Kove learn new things and try understand new objects. She gets so involved and concentrates so very hard, she's my bright spark. My hopes for her are that she enjoys nature, looks after it and loves exploring just like Mama & Dada. Being outside is something we all love so I hope she grows up to enjoy the mud, the sand, the trees and anything she can adventure in. She's off to a great start!

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