Saturday, 23 August 2014

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

So here is my video of my ALS IceBucket Challenge. I felt bad when i didn't really know what ALS was but after watching some heart wrenching videos about how real this is and how much is effects peoples lives I wanted to be part of this amazing fund raiser. It's so important to help others and support people who need a helping hand, after all we are all human and everyone needs help once in a while, but with things like this, we all need to pull together and give a bit back to help peoples lives. A small donation from us means so much to so many people. Yes, this is a fun and silly way to raise money but behind it all is a serious problem which if we all help, can support a lot of people living each day with the struggle of having ALS.


  1. Well done on the Ice bucket challenge! :D


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