Monday 22 September 2014

Adding Some Sparkle To London

I was hoping to go back to London soon but I didn't realise I'd be back only 7 days after leaving. However it was a lovely chance to get back into one of my favourite cities and get some more little jobs done. This was an extra special trip as I was meeting with an extraordinary diamond company which will be revealed very soon. As it was a meeting with such a beautiful brand I thought reflecting a little sparkle in my outfit was the perfect time to wear one of my favourite tops. The detail of it is simply wonderful and I am a magpie when it comes to sparkle. 

A morning spent in Greenwich before heading to Regent St. was the perfect time to show off my lovely Jack Wills Woollen Blazer. Folding up the sleeves adds a pink and blue pop of colour to my outfit. Dress it up and dress it down it never disappoints, however the weather was a lot more impressive than I had expected so most of the day it was spent over my arm around London instead of being worn.  

SO excited to show you what I go up to in London to keep your eyes peeled for a post on the wonderful diamonds I played with and a very exciting new partnership.

Blazer: Jack Wills
Top: TopShop


1 comment

  1. I have finally had some time to look at your beautiful blog properly! (has been a busy week but I'm happy to tell you that the hero&cape video is finished and the photos from Jefferson have come through too! All is set to go for Friday but I'll drop you an email when it has officially gone live!) Just wanted to pop by to your blog and say hello. I have followed via bloglovin, and I look forward to read more of your content. Speak to you very very soon, lovely! x


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