Friday 30 January 2015

A Morning In Berlin

Apologies for being so rubbish at posting at the moment. My dissertation is taking up way too much of my time for my liking and would much rather be bringing you new posts to read. Super late on the Berlin feature but I'm bringing you the first instalment this evening.

On arrival it wasn't half as cold as I expected and we had lots of daylight left to go take some photos in what I wore to travel in. My comfiest boots were a must as I had no idea if I'd have to walk or where we were staying etc, and obviously wondering around airports doing some duty free shopping is a lot of walking. Of course I couldn't go anywhere without my ripped jeans, and they are actually pretty comfy to travel in, although the wind in Berlin wasn't the warmest so my poor legs suffered a little. A plain black turtle neck (yes I am still obsessing) accessorised with a chunk of crystal, and there is no way you can go somewhere cold without a coat. This is the beauty I bought a couple of weeks ago from ASOS. (A few of you may have noticed my rant about it being late to be delivered, but the wait was so worth it)

I wish I had more time over there to explore and find some amazing little coffee shops which I found last time I visited but it was a very fast pace trip. That doesn't mean I didn't have time to explore for some quick photos though, more posts from my mini break will be up over the next few days. For now I'm celebrating my last friday of January with a hot chocolate and an early night, ready for getting up at 6am to go sit in coffee shops to finish this dissertation.

1 comment

  1. Good luck with your dissertation!! I still have nightmares about mine and it was about 5 years ago! argh! Scarred for life! Anyway, hope you are well, lovely! Looking fabulous in your this winter outfit! x


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