Wednesday 12 November 2014

Favourite Find

On my mini haul I went with the purpose of finding some winter warmers but this caught my eye in River Island and it's just so fitting. Who has ever gone shopping, found something they love but for some reason you talk yourself out of buying it? "I'll come back" or "If it's still here next time I'll get it"; only to return and find that it's gone or they have it but not in your size. This is only made worse when you see other people wearing it and looking fabulous. Yes, this has happened way too often to me and sometimes you should listen to your mother and just get it.

This shirt was one of those items that I didn't know whether to buy it or not but I'm glad I caved. I love it and I'm sure I can find shoots for this to feature in and you can never ever have enough oversized shirts. Love the design and the gold lettering on En Vogue, there is so many ways to style this. Tucked into a skirt, with leggings, by itself for lazy days, wear it baggy with skinny jeans, so many options. Safe to say this was my best buy. 


  1. LOVE this tee. The little slogan is so true too! I regret not buying things way too much x

    1. I love it too! :D Thankyou for the comment :D xx

  2. Absolutely love the slogan on this T Shirt ! It is so true I always end up thinking about the things I wanted to buy but never did!

    Lovely Blog - really love the simplicity of it ! :)

  3. haha! I Love the slogan! It is so true, though and I have totally been there, done that!! You loo lovely, by the way! <3
    xoxo, | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog 
    also on BLOGLOVIN 

    1. Oh thankyou so much! Ha i figured I'd buy it to learn from my past shopping mistakes! HA xxx


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