Friday 21 November 2014

Sherbet Lemon

Here is a little bit fun for you all today. My lovely friend is working with sweet themes for a project at the moment and chose me to be lemon sherbet. I'm not too good with angry faces but this was such a fun shoot and was totally out my comfort zone. This was also planned before I dyed my hair back (sorry again Jordan) so it would have fitted so much better when I was blonde but I think the red hair makes it all that more fierce. I love doing over the top shoots like this with bright colours and wacky themes.

I feel so lucky to be living somewhere that I'm surrounded by creative people who let me get involved with projects I never usually would be involved in. It's amazing to hear peoples ideas and aims, I find it just rubs off on me to work even harder. Always surround yourself with like minded people who inspire you to chase your dreams.

Watch this space for more photography from Jordan Kilford on here with some fashion outfits for fivefootfour. In the mean time you can check his work out here:


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